Friday, February 16, 2007

We're Moving


The day started off pretty slowly. I did a bunch of stuff on the computers when I woke up… talking to the family, putting up blogs and sending Facebook gifts and messages for V-Day in the US.

I talked to the American guy at church on Julie’s phone and he decided to pick me up at 3:30 pm so I could practice with the praise band. I picked up my room a bit then went to practice.

It was pretty fun. They gave me a little tiny echo solo and said I had a pretty voice… although I’m sure they would have said it regardless of what I sounded like since I was volunteering to sing with them. It was cool to just be on my own with the locals. It’s funny how they speak the same language as us but because of the slang and accent I often find myself answering questions to which I never understood.

It was me, the American guy, his 17 yr old daughter, a woman about my parents age, an older man and the worship leader. We learned about 4 songs and listened to some differing viewpoints about what should be done where- in the order of repetition.

Then it was time for the cookout with Jim Coffin. He wanted feedback about the program. Went to the cabins for a bit then I came back here because they were all doing homework. Tomorrow is SCUBA. Oh boy.

Oh ps my dad told me we were moving this morning. I pretty much flipped out but I’m better now. Hopefully they will like it...they’ve been talking about moving forever. I just don’t know if we’re the cow-raising type. Haha. It’s a farm house in Warren’s district apparently about 10 minutes from our house now. What an adventure.

The new house

The barn... where the cow will live.

1 comment:

TPQ said...

You guys should totally get chickens too.