Saturday, February 24, 2007

I Saved Ashley from the Mice?


We said goodbye to the girls and attempted to do some work in the morning/afternoon. Later on we went to town. Got Mike a birthday card and a little blue candy man that reminded me of him. I did my laundry and hung it to dry right at dusk. Good idea huh?

Ash and I had chicken burgers for dinner, JD had 4 cheeseburgers, and Mike had a veggie hot dog. Haha. We also had corn. Gotta get your veggies ;0)

Then we watched what “Dreams May Come” at the cabin because both Mike and I like it. I spent the night in the girls’ room in the cabins because Ashley was convinced I could protect her from the mouse/mice that live in their cabin.

1 comment:

JD said...

For anyone who reads this blog and wants to know...I didn't eat 4 cheeseburgers..I ate 2 thin ones! Jessica tends to exaggerate the truth!