Friday, April 27, 2007

Sugar toast?


We woke up around 10:30 and got ready to go to the beach. Craig took the bike over to the girls to ask them some questions about diving and hiking. Both Rachael and my beach towels were in the seat of the bike so we sat on a lovely little red blanket down at the beach.

We’re both pretty wiped out today. Then the rain came so we headed back to the hostel. I stole pictures from Rachael and defragmented my computer so hopefully it should be running pretty smoothly. We all sat around in the kitchen, listening to music and playing games about paying attention to the people around you. Like the one up one down, two up, two down game. Ever heard of it?

The sun came out so Rachael and I went back to the beach. We got about 15 minutes of sun and then it started raining again. So much for sun shiny paradise huh?! I showered and then we had dinner. Ramen noodles. I took a nap and got ready to go see this native dance show at a bar in town. We were planning on two of us riding the bike and then paying the advertised “hostel bus fee” of 6 bucks a person for the third. That was leaving at 8:30 so we all sat around and waited until they came out at 8:35 and said they weren’t taking people because there weren’t enough of us.

So Craig took Rachael in, and then was going to come back to get me. While I was waiting, I decided t have a piece of sugar toast. I was all excited... the toast came out golden and the butter melted perfectly. I put sugar on top of it and spread it all around and took a nice big bite—only to discover that it was not in fact sugar…but salt. Lovely, eh?

It’s a fair ride into town so it was about 9:20 by the time Craig got back. The show had started at 9 so we were running a bit late. We got there and the place was pretty crowded. The voice of the band was pretty funny and he explained about all of the different instruments and types of dance. They pulled people from the audience. One of the girls was the Indy girl we had met the night before. The dancers were pretty amazing. Both the men and women…boy they can move their hips quickly!

Craig wanted the take-away place that we went to the night before so he took Rachael back and I walked to the place and ordered. It was dark on the streets but I felt pretty comfortable walking alone. I’m surprised Craig let me do it though because it was about a 20 minute or so walk. I waited a couple minutes once I got to the place and then put in the order. The food came out about a minute before Craig pulled up and we went back. It rained a bit but not too bad…I was just worried that he’d be able to see. I did feel more comfortable than with Rachael or by myself—but its still not my favorite thing. I couldn’t help but thinking that one of the three of us is going to die on it before we leave this place.

We came back and ate. I boiled some water to drink the next day. Hopefully it will be warm and sunny and I will need it on the beach. All of us are having money issues. I guess the girls across the island are having their cards declined and Rachael is having problems with hers, along with my stupid move about the BSU account, and everyone simply going broke.

We night go to steak night and pub crawling tomorrow evening with people from the hostel, but I don’t know. Money is tight!

Rachael and I stayed up talking until about 5am. I don’t even know how we did it, but we had both taken naps during the day. We talked about relationships—the good and the bad, about problems we had and just about a ton of stuff... She’s lived through some really hard things and it just amazes me how strong she is. It definitely made me thankful for the relatively easy life that I’ve lived thus far.

The Take-Away Place

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