I woke up at around 5 when Craig was leaving, but couldn’t get myself out of bed so I stayed there for a while. I had to take all of my letters and pictures down from my wall, and put a few last minute things away.
After I got everything packed I took one last trip down to the beach to just soak in The Point, and the Seven Mile beach—my home, Lennox Head. It really is an amazing place. All the lodgers got their stuff together and boarded the bus to go down to the cabins. Sitting there watching my friends wait to get on the bus was a bit sad…but I didn’t bawl like my roommates were.
We stopped at the famous...and apparently only… rest stop between Lennox and Brisbane one last time. At the airport we walked around looking at overpriced souvenirs for a while and then boarded the plane after much confusion about who needed new boarding passes and what not.
All of the Cook Islanders were seated together at the front of the plane. However, we got JD and Craig to switch spots so that I could sit by not only Rachael—but JD as well. That way Angie and Craig could sit together too. We all three watched “Freedom Writers” but sadly the entertainment was cut off before we got to see the end. I guess I will just have to remember it for 10 days when I will be back on the plane.
When we got off the plane it was weird. We had to claim our luggage since our layover was more than a day (27 fun hours) and so we had to break off from the rest of the group earlier than expected. I did get pretty sad, thinking about how Tracy won’t be with us at school, and sort of contemplating the idea that although we said we would hang out at school and over the summer—it possibly could happen that none of us did—as is usually the case when people say those kinds of things. Its weird. I wasn’t sad to be leaving them then, it was just thinking about the fact that we were never going to live with each other (across the field …it would never be as amazing (and complicated fun ;0) …) as these last three months in this amazing place. The past few days I’ve had a really good time with JD too. He even gave me his camera to use while I’m in the Cook Islands!! (since mine is apparently somewhere in Lennox to stay) I also stole his blanket and Colts shirt that he “didn’t have room for.”
We all picked up our luggage. Surprisingly I didn’t have my bags searched, despite all of the yeses that I checked- for food and such. It was pretty crazy being with 8 other people who all wanted to do different things about the ridiculously long layover. Eventually we decided that we would not waste money on a hotel and would just sleep in the airport. I, being the smart person I am, forgot to withdraw the rest of my money from my Ball state account (our BSFCU accounts wont work in New Zealand) so now I only have access to my Union Federal account for the Cook Islands. I’m hoping I will have enough money…I’m thinking I should. Just not room for a lot of extras.
PS- we heard that its supposed to rain the entire time we’re on the Island. Please pray that isn’t true—because we’ve heard that all there is to do is lay on the beach!
In the airport we ate dinner and then found a place away from most commotion on the second floor. I watched “Step Up,” typed journals, played with pictures, and talked to Rachael and Leslie. Around 2am or so… I decided I might try to fall asleep.
Alex, Leslie and Rachael chillin in the Auckland Airport

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